Sunday, February 3, 2013

Blog Entry #7  The Cat Came Back to The Best Exotic
Marigold Hotel!    (and we celebrated with a cake)

I hoped he would. I prayed he would. I said a chant outside in the full moon and  even sprinkled my own urine around my house so that he would. (my friend Diane swears by it)  And he DID! Weirdo came home, safe, sound and really hungry. 

He was missing for 7 of Ohio's coldest days, and in that time I received more loving support than I ever could have imagined, from friends and strangers alike.

I said it before and I'll say it again, 2 legged creatures have the capacity to love 4 legged creatures like nobodies business.  It's a beautiful sight to behold. It makes me think that when we put our minds to something, we mere mortals are capable of BIG, BIG love and anything we put our minds to.

Yep, it was a cause for some serious celebration. So, I did what any happy woman on a diet would do. I baked a cake! Strawberry cake with a light chocolate frosting. It was just OK. No big deal. (and looked absolutely NOTHING like this one. Think slightly lopsided in a square Pyrex with frosting smeared on top and also along the edges of the Pyrex)

NO! NO!! Don't make that face! It was all for Weirdo! He was sooooooo hungry! Little shit didn't even taste it. I had to eat a very large portion of it or how else would I know that it was safe to give the rest away? I had a friend over for dinner the next night and he had one small piece. The rest I gave to a friend who came by to drop off a costume I lent her.

OK- it may appear that I have lost all hope of staying on this path of most resistance, but a remarkable thing happened. I discovered that since taking the Green Coffee Bean extract, I now only binge on forbidden foods when I am really HAPPY and feel like celebrating!!

That's a breakthrough folks!  This GCB Supplement not only metabolizes fat very quickly it has actually curbed my appetite in a significant way with out any side affects. I have no idea why it does that, but it does. So, I've found that when I do feel like pigging out on something, it's for a celebration.

So the only logical thing to do is to make sure I am miserable for the rest of my life and I'll be guaranteed to leave a very sexy corpse! OOOOOOOOH YEAH! BRING ON THE FAILURE!

So, now the only trick is to see how I do with this knowledge the next time I'm in a celebratory mood.  What will I do? Can I really make a big change in this area? I hate feeling deprived of anything that gives me joy.    Well I have to try, so I won't bake a cake. Or if I do, I'll have to make it something sugar-free, fat-free and....let's face it....taste-free! No, I've tried that before.  That never works. There is no celebration with something compromised that is impersonating something wonderful.  It doesn't work for food or men.

There are more dangers in those foods that have "substitutions" than those that are pure fat, sugar and salt.  For instance, have you ever seen what goes into making fat free dressing? Let's just say you wouldn't want to pour it near an open  flame. Too many chemicals for me these days.

I know! I'll make myself my favorite HOT CHOCOLATE!! It's so uniquely rich and flavorful and it takes a good while to consume. Especially if you drink it out of this mini jacuzzi, as I do. So that will be the splurge. This size is 200 calories and takes a solid 20 minutes or more to consume. Way better than cake.  It's Mexican cocoa. Nothing better.
BAM!       --------------------->
In the meantime, I am still very proud of myself. I had a mini breakthrough about my current eating habits. It's not going to change the world but it may change mine.  And that small step is a reminder that this is a process of SMALL STEPS! Not big, sweeping miracles that happen over night.  

All of my doubt and worry about my ability to change at this age was put into perspective tonight when I watched The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. I know it's just a movie, but it was the inspiration for tonight's blog entry.

Judy Dench's character had some closing lines that were so beautiful, I had to share them.   Below is an audio clip. The photos are my from my garden. 

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