Blog Entry #2
WOOHOO! Another 2 days, another lb and a trip to the BIGkini undies drawer!
You know those bikini undies that are shaped like bikinis but bigger than anything you'll ever see on a Victoria's Secret model? A friend came up with a great name for big girl underwear- Victoria's BIG Secret. Gotta love it.
I know it may seem premature, but I feel better already being 3 lbs. lighter in just 3 days. Shut up! I DO! I am wearing the bigkinis that I bought a few years ago, but haven't worn because they couldn't negotiate their way around my muffin top. "Above or Under!??" cried the poor leopard panties. "I CAN'T DECIDE! PUT ME BACK IN THE DRAWER YOU CRUEL BITCH!" So, I did. Don't be alarmed. When you live alone, lots of things talk to you so you don't go crazy. Take your time with that one. Eventually, it'll make sense.
Last night at about 5am (trying to ween myself off of Sominex. It's not working.) I downloaded my new conscience: My Fitness Pal, as recommended by Carol Gerace Martinsen. And may I say how moved and excited I am about all of the support I've received on fb. I am working on a way to make all of those soulful connections live and in person some day. Until then, there is nothing more powerful than the "Go Girls" and "You are beautiful inside and out" comments fueling my effort to keep on keepin' on. I heart you all.
Back to the food tracking: I love that you can find every single food brand on this app and compile your weekly intake, meal by meal, and every single thing that you are doing to aid your weight loss. Weight Watchers offers the same thing for a fee. I like this fee way mo bettah! It makes it easier to spend lots of money on fresh fruits and vegis that are out of season and getting more expensive every day. I also count the tracking activity as aerobic exercise! It takes A LOT of effort to input a lie and then go back and tell the truth about my daily meals. I mean WHO am I lying to? UHM - MYSELF! So, no more lying on the My Fitness Pal app. It's worth the very short time it takes to input what you put in every day - especially if you don't have to do it TWICE!
I also re-ordered the Raspberry Ketones that I bought a year ago but never took consistently. It's another healthy, Dr. Oz recommended supplement that eats the fat that you eat. I imagine little pac-men enjoying my ingested meat loaf and mashed potatoes (today's dinner). I loved it and they will too!
Part of my dilemma is that I am a pretty phe-frickin-nomenal cook! I really know how to take just about anything and make it something delish. That's a real blessing - if you're naturally thin. What I love almost as much as eating my own cuisine, is watching others eat it. I have a friend who laughs when we eat together because I moan, and mmmmmmm and aaaaaahhhh at every bite. I also do that when I get up, sit down, walk, climb stairs and put on my BIGkinis! Let's just say that I want to take all that moaning out of my dinner table, hips and knees etc, to my....OTHER room! ; P
I have 354 calories remaining for the day. I plan to spend it with my fresh pomagranet seeds, mandarin oranges and cottage cheese! I had that last night. It's deeeeliiiiiisssshhh and filling.
Bon Apetite Ya'll!
Bon Apetite Ya'll!