Saturday, January 26, 2013

Blog Entry #5

The Lost Cat Diet for Weirdos!

My cat, Weirdo, has been missing since the coldest day in Cleveland's history, Tuesday, 1/22/13. So, this entry is more therapeutic than informative or inspirational. 

To those who are wondering "why would you let your cat out in this weather...or at all...and without a collar/tags?!" I hear you. I have tried to get him to wear a collar since I've had him. He was an orphan when he came to my home, already neutered and crying like a little kid "I need a home, damn it!" I took him in without hesitation. He was too adorable for words and let me pick him up immediately.

As for the collar attempts, he has lost every one that I put on him. I tried the flea collar with tag, the manly black collar, a red collar with a name it, he hated it. The same went for my cat Wacko. He was also an indoor/outdoor cat and never wanted a collar, but unlike Weirdo, he never stayed away this long and certainly not in this weather. Add to that, when Weirdo wants to go out, it's a fight to the finish! He stomps all over my printer, my phone and anything that has buttons and beeps, turns on and off or talks to him. It's so annoying that I eventually give in. I keep thinking "he must have some serious kitty business out there!" I believe in individual freedoms, for man and beast. Now I wish I didn't.

It's been a sad few days. I am exhausted and yet uplifted by the process of looking for him. People from every walk of my life, as well as complete strangers, have been helping me search on facebook, Craig's List, TV stations, and even friends with psychic abilities.  I'm deeply grateful to you all.

It's awesome to see 2 legged creatures' capacity to care for 4 legged creatures.  I am so in love with my cats, some say that I should spend time on the couch of a friendly professional.  But this sort of love is nothing new to people with pets. They get it, especially single people with pets. To us, they are the children we didn't have, and in some cases, the children we wished we had instead of the one's we have. The children who we can count on for unconditional love - well, as long as we feed them. But, barring any unusual cruelty, cats will love you no matter what, as long as you feed, shelter and love them.

My way of loving is not for all cats! So, the cat that comes back to me (which is ALL of them) is a special breed.  I kiss, bite, squeeze and chew on any part they will tolerate. Believe it or not, they come back every time, accept for Tuesday, 1/22/13. I was very busy preparing for an audition; trying to print my resume, (frustrated because my wireless printer isn't making the connection) rehearsing the monologue I was given to perform, and deciding what to wear. I was feeling great accept for the printer situation. Nothing was more important than that audition - not even whether or not I let Weirdo outside that day.

I finally found a pic and resume that I had in a folder, so I didn't need to print one. I got dressed and left the house at about 8pm. I was so focused on this audition that I didn't even eat until very late in the day, at about 5pm. I was focused. I wasn't hungry.

After the audition which went well and very fast, I drove around my old neighborhood (see my last blog entry, 1/23/13) So, I didn't get home until 10pm. When I got home I realized that Weirdo wasn't home. I looked high and low in my house, called him out of the front and back doors, called my neighbors and posted a notice on facebook. I stayed up all night, lying on the couch in hopes that he'd come to the window as he always does, scratching and meowing so I'll let him in. It's a glorious feeling to see that sweet face, so eager to come back inside to fight with Pukha and snuggle (put up with) me.

He never appeared. I posted on lost pet sites and Craig's List. I posted fliers in 50 mailboxes and called 4 Vets/Animal Hospitals and shelters in the area. I can't sleep well and I'm not remotely hungry.  I have consumed less than 1200 calories in 2 days.

That's my diet- Stress over the loss of my sweet kitty. I feel so guilty for not paying attention to where he was that day. He is so lovable, maybe someone took him in out of the freezing cold. After all, that's how I found him - wandering around, meowing for a new home. 
He was there when my other cat, Wacko, was dying. Here is a pic of him comforting Wacko. I was there to see them laying together, and video taped them as he put his left paw on Wacko. I think I cried for a solid hour. These animals have intelligence, humor and empathy. Why wouldn't anyone want that sort of calming influence in their home?

I keep hearing things that sound like him scratching and meowing, but nope - not him. I even heard loud knocking this morning, so I jumped out of bed, nearly breaking my leg. I ran to the door, but there was no one there and no footprints or paw prints in the new snow that fell on my porch that morning.

I can't imagine how people who have missing children have the will to go on. It's torture enough losing a pet that you love and get so much love from.

I will say this though -  I don't have much of an appetite. I don't recommend this diet.
Trying out my new camera during the first snow, 2012.